The Washington International Finance Corporation was founded in March 2000 as a joint venture between AG International Consulting Corporation, (AGIC), International Links Corporation (Intl. Links) and the Washington Trade and Investment Group (WTIG). The Firm builds on over 30 years of experience and the successful track record of its member firms and principals. It has a strong business expertise in Latin America, but has also successfully developed projects in other parts of the world, including countries in Asia and some of the transitional economies of Eastern Europe. The company operates in collaboration with a network of senior associates and advisors located in the US, Central America, Europe and Asia.
Washington International (WashFin) has two main lines of business. It provides its private clients investment banking and project finance services to help them secure funding for investment projects in the $5 million to $200 million range, with a particular but non-exclusive focus on project financings led by multilateral and bilateral official financial institutions. Over the course of our experience WashFin has served approximately 50 clients located in over a dozen countries around the world and has contributed to the mobilization and structuring of successful transactions financing the investment of over US$500 million.
Our Firm also provides advisory and consulting services on a wide range of financial policy and structural reform issues, to a broad client base working primarily in emerging market countries. Washington International consulting customers include private clients as well as multilateral and bilateral financial institutions, industry associations, and national and local governments.